My story so far …

Ashutosh Sharma

My story began in early seventies in a class-B town of developing India. I had to often fetch water from a well that was half a kilometer away as water supply to our house used to be only once in every 72 hours and that too for only 3 hours. I did my studies (Whatever little I did) often in candles or kerosene lamps as electricity supply was erratic. I went to a school with Hindi language as the medium of teaching.  To give you an example in Physics we were tought Tvaran a.k.a acceleration which I learnt later in my life.  

Things took a different turn in ninetees when I took an admission into an engineering college where the medium of education was English and all my classmates were largely from metros. I had this sudden recognition of having gaps and rough edges in me as a professional. My peers knew the global language of communication i.e. English better. My classmates had both wider and deeper knowledge of the world because they had access to more and better resources of information.

During ninetees, I worked hard, did my graduation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, worked at Microland, did my MBA and worked at PricewaterHouseCoopers for 3+ years.

Two thousand, I now consult to some of the Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 organisations in the city of London here in the United Kingdom. I still have a long way to go on my career journey. I still find gaps in me as a professional. However, I am my own mentor, I identify my gaps and try to work on them. This blog is a mission of mine to help other people to fill their gaps faster.

My Linkedin profile for your reference:


  1. Hi Ashu,

    Thanks for your mail today.

    Three suggestions

    1. In the blog on email structure , it would be good to provide a real example
    2. You may want to give space for feedback
    3. You may want to make the blog more frequent, possibly at regular intervals like a week or so

    Look forward to read more of you.


    • Hi Ramdas,

      Points noted but, you have commented on ‘My Story So Far’ section. Can you comment back on the post itself?


  2. Hi Ashu,

    I am thrilled going through this site and very happy ……

    Rajesh Bapu. S

    • Dear Rajesh Garu,
      Thank you for your encouraging words. I will look forward to your guidance as I continue this journey. Do let me know if you want me to touch upon a particular topic of interest to you.
      Best regards,

  3. Hi Ashu,

    Inspiring and motivating story of your career growth. I wonder we never interacted enough at Patni to know all this 🙂

    Have started reading your blogs. Looking forward to enlightenment.

    All the Best

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